Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sotomayor Refuses to State Abortion Beliefs

On Wednesday, July 15, Judge Sonia Sotomayor was asked about her standings on abortion. Multiple people questioned her, including Republican committee members and Democratic committee members. She had an in-depth conversation about her beliefs with Tom Cornyn, a Republican party member. He asked her what she believed the "settled law" on abortion in America was, and she stated the case of Planned Parenthood vs. Casey. According to Cornyn, she never actually said her own personal beliefs. He then proceeded to ask Sotomayor if it would be legal to terminate a fetus's life if the parent decided it didn't want it. Sotomayor said she couldn't answer this question, "in the abstract, because I would have to look at what the state of the state’s law was on that question and what the state said with respect to that issue.” She also had a discussion with Dr. Coburn, who says she seemed to dodge the question and relay only true facts, as opposed to her own beliefs and standpoints.

This is worth a look at, I think, because abortion is a major debate in the American society today. It shows how some people are willing to discuss it but others, particularly people in a position of power, refuse to because they don't want to be "labelled" or misquoted.

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