Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Blog Three- Obama at Ghana's Door

Gregory Rodriguez, a writer for national newspapers about political issues, recently wrote a column on President Obama visiting the country of Ghana. In the very first sentence he claims Obama's visit to Ghana was "biblical." He was comparing Obama going to Ghana to Jesus's second coming. Obama's father's side was slaves for generations, and Ghana is known for slavery. Rodriguez says "...U.S. presidents are rarely seen in the position of directly empathizing with the victims of history. (And when they do, it's generally in the pose of vengeful warrior, such as in the days after Pearl Harbor or 9/11.)", meaning that when Presidents go overseas or whatnot to visit people in need they do it because it's more expected of them than anything. Obama did it because he had ancestors who were in the same situation many Ghana people are in now, and he can relate to it. I agree with what Rodriguez says. Maybe Obama's visit to Ghana wasn't "biblical", per say, but it was more meaningful that what some previous Presidents have done. Obama said, "The old slave station reminds us that as bad as history can be, it is also possible to overcome." Rodriguez agrees and so do I.

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