Friday, July 31, 2009

Participation Topic 3

The United States should absolutely not turn to a single-payer health care system. If they did, doctors would end up making less money and individuals would be listening more to what the government said about their conditions rather than their doctors. Less money would be invested in hospitals and new technology, therefore we could possibly fall behind on medical advancements resulting in helping less people. There should be medicaid or medicare for the poorer people, but it shouldn't be equal. It wouldn't be fair if someone working made a certain amount but was only subject to the same health care as someone who was homeless, or almost so. "Patients would suffer as well, especially in the long run. Because fewer highly talented people would be willing to undergo the years of training (under difficult working conditions and low pay) to become physicians, patients would suffer decreased access to health care and longer wait times." (Single-Payer...) Everyone would have to wait for the same forms to be filled out and the same doctors to do the same limited procedures. Hospitals would inevitably become overcrowded, and doctors or surgeons would only be allowed to do certain acts to help them. It's a very negative thing, single-payer healthcare, and it's just more of a way for the government to attempt to control the people.

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