Friday, July 31, 2009

Single-Payer Health "Care"

With all due respect to my fellow classmates, I disagree that we should turn to a single-paying healthcare provider. There are already companies that provide adequate healthcare to individuals or families: Medicare and Medicaid. Granted, they aren't as "advanced" or "helpful" (debateable) as someone who is using insurance, but that's what they're there for: people who can't afford insurance. It wouldn't be fair to make everyone have the same healthcare if someone can afford it and others can't. Two people walk into a store. They both buy the same shirt for $14.99. The first person puts it on their credit card. The second person only has $6.00. The store owner sells it to the second person for the six dollars. Fair? Hardly. We would end up giving away or selling people short on medical help that would be vital to our community.

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