Monday, August 17, 2009

Blog 8

I agree with what Tyler said about our government being able to pull our economy out of the recession. The "Cash for Clunkers" plan has been successful, although some people don't agree because so much money has been put into it. Most people believe Obama so far hasn't been successful because he hasn't directly helped their family or them recently, but in the long run I believe Obama will help the majority of Americans get back on their feet, even if it takes longer than what some people are willing to wait for. Americans are being more critical of Obama's plan for the near future, I believe, because he actually has a plan and is sticking to it. So if it goes wrong, or isn't "up to par" of what society wants, then they're willing to be more critical of him. But if things go well, then they get upset because Obama didn't "step up" or "take it further." When the long run comes around though, our economy eventually will get better. We just have to be willing to be patient for it, and not expect direct results right away.

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