Monday, August 3, 2009

Blog 6

I completely agree with Josh on Democracy. It is by far more superior to many other forms of government, however there are alot of flaws. The main thing I dislike is the ability of our government to look into our "lives," so to say, by looking into our private files or tapping our phone lines without our say so. Josh says that our government "while being able to voice our opinions has a severe time lag in actually doing so." I'm not quite sure I agree with this part. Sure, it takes awhile for our, and by this I mean the American people, voice to be heard and change something in our society, but wouldn't this be the same in any type of Democracy? We can't expect to just vote on something and have it changed a month or so later. "It is most likely that the top issues of today will be solved later and probably won't be judged adequately at that." I can certainly see why one would say this. There are still debates going on about gay marriage (for example) that haven't been solved. But, I believe, with issues that are of the upmost importance, they are being handled as well and efficiently as can be expected. All in all, I'm quite satisfied with our Democracy. I wouldn't do anything to change it even if I could, although I'm sure someone somewhere disagrees.

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