Monday, August 10, 2009

blog 7 Obamas Stimulus Plan

President Obama's stimulus plan says that he will provide tax cuts to workers, a bonus to seniors, relief to homeowners, aids to certain states, and extend the Unemployment Insurance. All of these, on paper, sound like great ideas. But where will we get the money to do all of these? Tax smaller groups of people, therefore taxes rise? Borrow more money from other countries, making the national debt go higher?
"Obama believes we cannot wait until he becomes president to give workers the tax relief they need. He believes we should make half of the tax credit, $250 per worker, available immediately in order to quickly get money into the pockets of Americans." Sure, workers, among with lots of other people, need to get money into their pockets quickly. But do we need to only provide relief to this group of people? And where does this money come from? Taxing other people more to give it to one certain group?
Our current unemployment rate is said to be almost twice as high as it was last year. Obama says "Providing these workers additional assistance in a time of economic distress is
necessary to ensure consumer spending remains at an acceptable level and that they have a chance at restarting their careers." But how long will Obama want to provide "relief" to these people? When will he say enough is enough? Sure, making sure consumer spending stays the same is good, but how can they expect to restart their careers if they just continue to spend the loan they're given? Eventually money will become so tight that loans wont be able to be given to everyone. What is Obama's plan then?

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